Thank you to all the hard working teachers (you know who you are!)
As the school year comes to an end here in the UK it is a time of reflection, excitement and anticipation. It has been an amazing year for my kids, growing in confidence and discovering who they are and what makes them unique. This journey has been made easier and more fun due to their amazing teachers and teaching assistants.
The big one, in particular has had a fantastic year, so I decided to create a home made thank you card for her teacher. He has used Lego throughout the year as a teaching method and a form of reward (it’s amazing how much the kids will behave to get the opportunity to build the latest Lego model!)
The other theme running through this academic year was the fidget spinner – very much a love/hate object. “The kids love ’em the teachers hate ’em!”
With these two things in mind I created a personal thank you card to sum up the year, I was quite pleased with the result!
So, to all those starting their summer holiday – enjoy your well earned break and thank you for recognising and celebrating our kids, for being the brilliant individuals that they are.

I am a fine art photographer based in the South of England. I enjoy sharing my photographic adventures, hints and tips.
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