connections a photographic series you’ll either love or hate

Last week I gave you s a sneak peek of a new series I have been working on. Today I thought I would share this new series with you. This is “connections” a photographic series.

Connections – feeling the love?

It has been an interesting journey creating this collection of images. I had a very strong theme of family in my mind when I went about photographing them. And although I am very fortunate to have a wonderful family and fantastic relationships, I still wanted to show that this connection can be tested and is not always as perfect as we want them to be.

My overall mood when I made these pieces was positive. However, when I finished them I was aware that the final effect was quite sad. I was interested to see how they came over to other people. And I was surprised and intrigued to discover that words like “creepy” “unsettling” and “unhappy” were used.

I am not discouraged by this feedback. In fact quite the opposite! I would rather provoke a negative emotion than no emotion at all.

Introducing “Connections” a new photographic series.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this new series. What does it say to you? what emotions do they evoke in you. I would be genuinely interested to find out.

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