“connections” the big reveal, surprising behind the scenes peek​

A couple of weeks ago I shared “Connections” a photographic fine art series This series comprised of a series of hands interacting with each other in different ways. So, today I thought it would be fun to share with you a look behind the scenes showing you how they were created.

Composite images

Composite images can be really fun to create. However, the challenge is to create a new scene for your subject and make it convincing.

The series “Connections” was created in this style. Firstly, I wanted a rustic background, something that reflected the passing of time. It had to look old and worn. I looked through my image library, and came across this perfect wall. It was shot out of my hotel window, while holidaying in Prague. The original image also contained a window and many more vines. I just wanted a section of this wall for this image, so cropped it down.

Hands to make connections

Next, I needed some hands! And as ever the simplest solution was to photograph mine.

To get this right I needed to photograph one at a time. This allowed me to use a remote trigger, and ensure the lighting was falling on my hand in the way I wanted it to.

Editing the composite

The final stage was to combine these images. This involved hours in front of Photoshop cutting out my hands, placing them in the background, and tweaking my settings, colours and shadows.

I wanted a ghostly or statuesque look for my hands so dropped the saturation. This is probably why some of you have commented on this image being a bit creepy!

What do you think of this completed creation? Does it work for you? I would love to hear from you.

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