Lockdown inspired image in the top 5

Last month you will recall I was delighted to get 2 of my images in the top 5. The images are critiqued by the photography academy and the favourite 10 are selected at the end. Today I am just as excited to share with you the news that I have done it again! My lockdown inspired image has also been awarded this accolade!

Lockdown – Denial

This strange and creepy image was inspired by being in lockdown. You can read more about this series in my previous blog post here.

This image represents one of the emotions people have felt during these strange days. In the first couple of weeks, I was certainly in denial about what was happening. It was all so shocking and unusual. As a result, it was really hard to process all the emotions we were feeling.

Composite art

This image was captured as two separate images. I photographed my front door. I then photographed myself. These two images were then merged together in Photoshop.


The image was given the critique:

“Liking the concept…liking the tone and liking the idea”.

Mark Cleghorn

Being in the top 5 meant that I was lucky enough to receive a 20 x16 print from Loxley Colour.

Lockdown inspired art wins print from Loxley Colour

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