Sharing March 52 images in the 52 frames project.

So here we are already! At the end of March 52 for the 52 frames project. Three months into the challenge for 2022! It has been another interesting month getting me to think differently about how I could fulfil the various briefs. I am pleased with the results.

Week 9: Reflections (optical illusion)

I had been pondering using my new vampire mini-figures in a set-up to show that the vampires had no reflection. So when this challenge came up I knew that I had to use this idea this week!

Miniature vampire being hunted by a vampire hunter and showing no reflection - for March 52

Week 10: Low key (bodyscape)

I already knew what I wanted to create for this challenge. I had been thinking about one of my miniature vampires biting the neck of a victim. This would match both the challenge theme and the extra credit.

Miniature vampire biting a victim!

Week 11: An Activity (use studio lighting)

This is a very open-ended theme, which I tend to find more tricky! There are too many activities to choose from! I was also having a crazy time in my day job with people being off sick. So in the end I opted for a quick snap of me editing.

editing some photographs

Week 12: Long shutter (light painting)

After the crazy that was last week, I needed to get out in the sunshine and enjoy some “me time”. I took myself off to a beautiful little town near me, Arundel. The sun was shining ( and was surprisingly warm) so I went for a walk around the lake. I spent ages sat beside the lake watching the birds and decided to slow my shutter and take some ICM (intentional camera movement) images. I love how the images look like abstract paintings when using this technique!

Intentional camera movement and long shutter

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Catch up with February 52 here. Alternatively, if you have enjoyed seeing my March 52 images, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. Here you will be able to follow my project throughout the year. 

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