New Year resolutions: Are you making plans for 2023?

Now is the time when society tells us to make plans for 2023. Some people enjoy setting goals and see this time of year to make a fresh start. Others think there is no point as you will not stick to them anyway. There is some argument for the suggestion that this is the wrong time to make plans, as there is too much pressure. And that you can make your own goals at any time of year. Whatever your thoughts on making new year’s resolutions, it is a time for reflection. A time to review the year that has passed and look forward to the year ahead.

Reflecting on 2022

At the start of 2022, I had plans to get my art “out there”. And to a small degree, I did manage this. I have had much more success with my stock photographs, having sold over 50 images through the stock site. Also, I have plans to build on my library of images. In particular, my science-based and lifestyle shots have proven to be really popular.

I managed to exhibit my art in a physical exhibition, which has been a refreshing change! I got involved in the LOCA art trail in Littlehampton and had my work exhibited at a lovely gift shop “forget me not” in Littlehampton. This was a fantastic experience and I received some positive feedback on my art from this.

What are my plans for 2023 look like for me?

So what are my plans for the coming year? I will be candid here. I am not entirely sure right now. For me, I need to take a few weeks out to research some of my options. I started a new “day job” in 2023 and that has taken up a lot of my time getting settled. Now that I feel more confident in this role, I can try and spend more time off my photography again.

The build-up to Christmas has meant I have not been taking as many photographs as I would like. This is definitely something I need to address! Photography is my therapy! I need to schedule more time to just create!

breaking the rules for December 22

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