Creating a dark twist to the hobbies imagery photo challenge.

One of the themes for the 52 frames project was photographing one of our hobbies. This was one of the themes for January 23. I wanted to share my love of reading and the surreal for the hobbies imagery challenge. So I decided to photograph a book with a dark twist.

The art of reading for the hobbies imagery theme in January 52

Hobbies imagery – Behind the scenes

Obviously, my books do not have arms and skulls attached to them! So I thought I would share how I put this image together.

The first part was to gather together all the props. I needed a couple of old hardbacked books to create this idea. Luckily I already had some in my box of props. Adding a candle stick was also easy, as I had them already. Finally, I needed my skeleton. Again I do have a small plastic skelly tucked away!

Setting the scene

I took apart the skeleton and attached it to the book with some tape. This image was photographed against a plain background. Then to add a more Gothic style to it, I added a texture to the scene to create wallpaper.

The final touches were to add colour grading in Photoshop to give an “old” feel to the image.

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