Spring is in the air and so is my 52 frames collection for March 23.

Another month, another set of weekly images for my 52 frames project. Here are my creations for the themes for March 23. Don’t forget to check out last month’s photos for February 23.

Week 9: Macro (focus stacking)

I found the remains of a sea urchin on one of my evening walks. I thought it would make an exciting subject for macro as you can see all the tubercles I really want to add an extension tube now to get even closer!

close up of a sea urchin for March 23, my 52 frames project.

Week 10: complementary colours (product photography)

This felt like a fun opportunity to play with an edited image. I decided to use a banana as my main subject and thought I would switch the colours up!

A quirky banana for complementary colours week

Week 11: High Noon (Fan Ho)

I knew this week would be challenging being based in the UK. However, a break in the clouds, coupled with leaving work early allowed me to go for a walk and capture this image.

The sun peaking through the lido sign

Week 12: Music (music-shaped bokeh)

I wanted to play around with the extra challenge his week and decided to go for a musical note as my bokeh. I grabbed my headphone to act as my subject and had a play. It was a lot harder to get this right than I had imagined. It took a lot of fiddling, but I was quite pleased with the result!

Musical note bokeh behind some headphones captured for March 23

Week 13: Get Low (4+ leading lines)

I took a walk on the first glorious spring day of the year. Unfortunately, it only lasted a day before the wind and rain came over again! However, while I was out, I captured a shot for the challenge this week.

A shot of Worthing Pier for the down low theme.

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