Creating musical-shaped bokeh for creative photography

Last month, one of the themes for my 52 frames project was music. For extra credit, I needed to create shaped bokeh. This was my opportunity to play with musical-shaped bokeh. Today I thought I would share how I created this effect in one of my March 23 images.

Musical-shaped bokeh behind some headphones

Musical-shaped bokeh

Bokeh is created when you open up the aperture on your camera. The shape is created by the shutter blades, which are usually circular. To create alternative shapes, such as musical-shaped bokeh you need to add a filter.

I cut a circle out of the card which would cover my lens. I cut the required shape into the centre of the card. In this case, I cut a musical note shape.

homemade filter for creating musical-shaped bokeh

This filter is attached to the lens and pointed towards some lights, such as fairy lights. Open the aperture as wide as your lens will allow, and then it is time to experiment. I decided to use my headphones as my main subject. This seemed to work well with the bokeh shapes.

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