Enjoy July 23, a new month of the 52 frames challenge
Another month has gone and we have reached the end of July 23, my weekly photography challenge! New themes are set each week via the 52 frames website and I try my best to fulfil the brief! If you missed June 23 you can check it out now!
Week 27: Reflection (hidden camera trick)
I attempted to follow the tips to create the mirror trick. I didn’t manage to create one following the tutorial but ended up creating one using camera angles instead. I have had a crazy couple of weeks at work and this was a bit of a last-minute attempt. I didn’t realise how tired I was looking until I took this image – so my pose is very much reflecting my mood at the moment!

Week 28:Abstract (ICM)
I decided to have a play with oil on water for the challenge this week. It has been ages since I have had a go at this, so it was fun to try it again. What I love about abstract images is the pictures you can create from them. While I was editing some dust spots out of this image I was reminded of a warm sun over a green field. That could just be because I was editing it on a wet and windy afternoon in the UK and was dreaming of the return of summer again!!

Week 29: In the centre (16mm or wider)
I captured this one while taking my daily walk along the seafront. The flags don’t normally fly too well, but it has been a particularly windy week!

Week 30: meaningful location (day to night)
I love being at home. I don’t know whether it is because I am always on the go, or whether it is the introverted side of me. But I love spending time doing my own thing at home. This is my favourite place to relax when I get a moment to stop! I grab a cup of tea and a book and snuggle down in my comfy chair in the conservatory. On a sunny day, I feel like a cat sunning itself. On a rainy day, I get cosy under a blanket!

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I am a fine art photographer based in the South of England. I enjoy sharing my photographic adventures, hints and tips.
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[…] the summer ends, I am reflecting on another month of photography. here is August 23. If you missed July 23, go back and check it […]