Down the plug hole – creepy new image

I have been geeting my creepy vibe well and truely on again lately! So today I thought I would share some behind the scenes to my new image – down the plug hole.


I would love to tell you I had a profound thought process to get to this idea. Unfortunately, it was a slow burn of lots of different ideas.

I was trying to come up with an idea for the “from above” theme which was one of the weekly themes in my 52 frames project. I wanted to do something a little different, but was struggling for ideas. So I did what I often do when I have stuck for a subject. I had a chat with my kids. They understand my surreal mind and that I like to create alternative images. This can lead to some very entertaining conversations! We were bouncing around some idea, most of which involved have small people in a landscape with me as a giant walking through. I was loving this concept. However, time was tight and the weather was not on my side.

The next stage was walking around the house looking down! When I spotted the plug hole with hair trapped around it, it was obvious to me that I was going to have to be looking up through the gaps!

Capturing the image

So the first step was to photograph the plug. Then I needed a new self portrait.

Creating the composite – down the plug hole

Next, I had to merge my images. Using a layer mask I removed the holes. I then had my self portrait below this layer and moved it around until I was happy with the position.

The hues, brightness and saturation were tweeked to make the two layers look more natural together. I added some shadows over my face to give a sense of depth.

Finally, I added some texures and colour grading to give a grimy horror feel to the image.

Creepy looking down the plug hole image for February 24
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