Highly commended lens ball image

After sharing some new still life images last month I decided to enter them into the National Photography Society monthly awards. I am thrilled to dicover I have a highly commended lens ball image in the awards this month!

Lens ball photography

Recently I dusted off this glass sphere and have been playing with some new images. I decided to use it as a tool for one of my 52 frames images captured in January 24. I took some landscapes with it, which is a popular subject. However, my favourite images were the still life abstract shots that I created.

Award winning photography

I thought I would enter this image to see how it would get on. Here is my highly commended lens ball photography:

highly commended len ball image - abstract black and white for January 24, my 52frames project

It you want to check out the other awarded images you can head over to the NPS facebook page.

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