August 24 image for 52 frames

Summer is over and so is August 24! Here is my latest selection of images from my 52 frames project where I take one photo each week on a given theme. Be sure to check out July 24 if you missed it!

Week 32: Night Photography (Astro)

I was not looking forward to this challenge. I am not a night owl, and the hours of darkness are limited during the summer! So this was my compromise. I created a composite image using the night sky. Full disclosure – the moth was not photographed this week, but the other elements were!

Into the night for August 24

Week 33: Door (tell a story)

Following on from my moth-themed fantasy image, I decided to create another one featuring a door. The moth (elephant hawk moth) happened to be resting in my conservatory so I snapped an image and decided to include it in this image! It matched the tones and gothic vibe from my little paper fairy door!

Door image for August 24

Week 34: Rule of Odds (on the street)

I attempted to get a shot of the supermoon this week. Unfortunately, the day it was at the peak was too cloudy here to see it. This one was taken on the 20th, so it was still very impressive. I decided to make it into a photo composite.

multiple moons!

Week 35: Rule of thirds (Symmetry in asymmetry)

I managed to get out into the country this week. The weather was great and the wildlife was thriving! Chuffed to have caught this dragonfly having a rest.


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