More inspirational photography with September 24

As the weather is changing and Autumn is approaching it can only mean we have got to the end of September. Here is my selection of images for September 24 for my 52 frames project. Go back and check out August 24 if you missed it!

Week 36: Blue hour (dual light source)

Full disclosure – not my best attempt this week and this is abit of a streak holder for me. I am not great at time restricted challenges. I was back to the day job this week after a long summer holiday and it was a manic week! Getting up stupid early or getting out in the evening at a specified time, wasn’t really going to be an option for me! I snapped this one on my phone on my way to the cinema on Friday night!

blue hour shot on my phone

Week 37 Beautiful view (Foreground interest)

I managed to get out for an early evening walk after work this week. The weather has turned autumnal suddenly so it made for some interesting cloud formations and low light. It was a windy evening and this rain cloud blew in our of nowhere! All of a sudden the birds appeared and made a huge noise – there was something eerily beautiful about it!

Storm blowing in for September 24

Week 38: Levitation (use a layer mask)

I wanted to have another play with a composite for this challenge so came up with this floating candle.

levitating candle for September 24

Week 39: Modes of Transport (panning)

Another last minute capture for me! Busy, busy week meant that I had to rush out at Sunday lunchtime to get a pic of the hubbys bike! Keeping the streak alive!

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